Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sad, empty inside, problematic/Insightful and remembering the past

Hello... I am sorry i have not been posting weekly like I used to do. So many things have occurred, it is hard to recount and tell about all of them. I left you all last time with a Merry Christmas. It is the end of January now, oh jeez. Time sure does fly by. Anyways, I find myself in a situation. I have become overwhelmed with stress and anxiety. I know this to be true, because these things have caused me to rash and become insomniac tic. Its crazy what the mind and body can do under certain circumstances. Ah, the empty feeling inside. Its been coming and going for quite a while now. I used to draw concern about it, but as time flew by, i grew more and more lax about it. i find myself just letting it consume me as it does. Slowly, ever so slowly, it will pass. Maybe the reason why i feel the way i do is because i am emotionally longing for something that i can not have? its just a thought, a curious, almost ticklish thought. Problems are arising in my life that i quite frankly could of prevented a while ago. Unfortunately these problems are coming to bear on me now.

Tomorrow is a Breakdance Event Called King of The Gazebo. It is hosted by a friend and close friend of my aunt. I am happy?/Nervous/anxious. It is always fun and enjoyable to come together to meet new people and share or listen to others that are like me. I mean to say fellow break dancers. it warms my hear to know that there are dedicated souls out there, like i used to be. Great energy and determination.

I am sorry to rant right now, but Going back to all of my posting in 09, it astounds and amazes me at how i word my sentences and thoughts. Its funny, i went back to read my post about winning a Gold medal at a dance competition. I would read it slowly as if i am the captivated reader. The thoughts i put about the matter still captivates my mind. what can i say, i guess i am transfixed by the words i type out to you, the reader. I must say, it still amazes me at how people follow my life as i type it out. so before i end this as its really early in the morning haha, i want to thank those who continue to read my posts and thank those who continue to follow.

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